Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Taking it easy

We had a major sleep last night, but we were wide awake at 5 am. Managed to doze a little more, and with an afternoon Nana nap, we’ve almost overcome our sleep deficit.

Took it fairly quietly today, wandered down to Pacific Fair by the scenic route. Browsed a few shops, but not Myers yet - will need a full day for that! The river is very pretty, and there’s lots of greenery. Really felt the heat on the way back, although it had clouded over a bit.

I swam in one of the three pools here this afternoon - refreshing and relaxing, and my first swim of the summer. Haven’t been to the beach yet, but it’s pretty breezy so the pool might be the best bet in the meantime.

We found a little French Café for dinner. Although I went out craving steak (after all, we’ve been here two days!), I had a snapper crumble - very tasty. We were next door to a Tepanyaki restaurant, so we watched the show put on by the chefs there, from afar. Might have to try that restaurant later in our stay. The food is uniformly excellent, but more expensive than I remember from last time we were here.

Believe it or not, the kitchen utensil toilet key made another appearance tonight - I’m wondering if there is one toilet between six restaurants? Tonight’s choice was a block away from last night’s, so either it’s a Broadbeach thing, or they really do share toilets!

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