Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another 19,000 steps

Another busy day...cloudy and cool, but no rain. Another 19,000 steps on the pedometer as we explored the financial districts and walked both the London and Millennium Bridges. Had a real pub lunch for the first time. The ambience was cool, the pie and mash very English! Had a early tea at a Café that is a bit of a shrine to Princess Diana (opposite Kensington Gardens where she lived). It was another English classic of fish and chips and peas - very well cooked, and nice to be back in the hotel at an early hour.

We are getting a really good feed at the hotel with the included cooked breakfast, lunches have been light, and dinners have been generally at the low budget end as we haven’t really been hungry. Food is very expensive, we’ve given up converting to NZ$. Paid 4 pounds ($10) for a Coke at the theatre!

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Haha yeah converting currency is scary!! I thnk we pretty much gave up