Monday, April 22, 2013

And now for something completely different and amazing....

Today we both slept in until after 11 am - unheard of for us, we were obviously more tired than we thought.

With the morning gone and a tropical rainstorm moving in, we decided not to venture out until our 3 pm appointment for high tea at the Regent.  Well!  I have never seen anything like it in my life.  It was a buffet and was really more like a full-blown dinner with the presentation of high tea - i.e. tiny tidbits, beautifully presented.
There was a fillet of wagyu beef with Yorkshire pudding and roast vegetables, heaps of seafood, little savory tartlets, and then there were the desserts!  Exquisite!  We only took one photo, which doesn't do it anything like justice, but it was truly a sight to behold, in beautiful surroundings.  There were bottomless cups of tea (dozens of varieties) and coffees of all sorts, and cheeses.
What can I say - we did our best!  Rolled out of there at 5.30 pm.  To say we were replete would be an understatement!

D & M are back to work tomorrow - it's been great to see them, but also to have their local knowledge to help us get the most out of our limited time in Singapore.

We have tomorrow and most of Tuesday to navigate ourselves, then it's sadly off to the airport for the final leg of the journey.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

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