Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Quelle horreur!

Today we had our biggest rip-off of our whole holiday.  We had lunch at a little bistro not far from the hotel.

We strolled down there to eat with Janet and Phil who had just flown in from Wellington.  We were looking for cheap and cheerful - it wasn't overly cheerful and it certainly wasn't cheap!

After our mains, the waiter arrived with a platter of sweets and we all succumbed to temptation.  Imagine our horror when the bill came and we were charged 8.50 euro each for a chocolate eclair or a Mille-feuille. That's about $13 - eek!  He obviously saw us coming.
To walk off the calories, Allan and I wandered along the Champs Élysées and climbed the Arc de Triomphe. It was great to soak up the atmosphere of the avenue.
I window-shopped at the Cartier shop - I saw a lovely necklace - a bargain at 39,500 euros, but Allan declined to buy it for me.  Can't think why!
[Allan: oops, that's not a photo of a necklace]

We rejoined Janet and Phil to head off to a one man show called 'How to become a Parisian in one hour'.  It was hilarious and the guy (a French comedian who spoke in English) was very clever. So good fun.

Dinner then home to bed.  One more day to go in Paris - shame!

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