Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Not sure if it is today, yesterday or tomorrow!

Sitting in the transit lounge at Brisbane Airport, it's 5 am Aussie time, 3 am Singapore time, and we haven't slept yet.  Our flight left 20 mins early, and took 50 minutes shorter than expected, so we're on the ground here for about 5 and a half hours.  Then we fly to Auckland, have 2 hours there and then we're on the plane to Wellington.  It'll be a long day, but we're good so far.
Before we left Singapore, we went out to explore Little India and Chinatown.  We got down to Little India in time for a tropical downpour so it became a bit of a wet t-shirt competition!
Eventually we bought a couple of cheap umbrellas so we could wander around all the little shops as well as a giant emporium called Musafas which stocked absolutely everything, but especially electrical gadgets, watches and jewellery.  Not sure about the quality but it all seemed ok.

Chinatown was equally bustling, but different in that they were very in your face as you walked past their doors, trying to entice us in.  I think I was offered around 50 foot massages by the time we left! Would've been nice, but as my shoes and socks were wet from the rain, putting them back on after a lovely massage wouldn't have been nice.
I did avail myself of one service - a sweet little Singaporean lady gave me an eyebrow shape.  She suggested 'threading' which is a way of doing eyebrows without plucking or waxing. I had heard of it, so I said yes after she promised me it wouldn't hurt.  Well...think rubber band twisted tight then run over your skin as it unwinds, ripping out hairs as it goes!  Ow!  And she did my whole face!  It did make a difference but I am not sure I'd be in a hurry to repeat the experience.
Once the rain stopped, it got very steamy and hot, but on the whole we coped pretty well with the heat.  We stuck in the shade as much as possible and we were in and out of air-conditioned shops and buildings, trains and buses.

One thing with all the aircon is that there was always the dull roar of the units, so it was never quiet.  D & M's apartment had 5 units - multiply that by four apartments per floor times 20 floors times two towers and you get an idea of the noise level!

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